Free Throw Contest – Cancelled

Unfortunately, we've had to cancel our Free Throw Championship for January 19th.  It is not being rescheduled.  Thank you to those who signed up.  We hope to bring back the event at a future date.


St. John’s Hospice Casserole Prep – February 8th

The Knights of Columbus have planned another stewardship opportunity on February 8th for our Brother Knights and their families.

We will be preparing over 100 casseroles for St. John's Hospice shelter in Philadelphia.  These casseroles will be included in the parishes monthly collection.  We will be starting at 2 pm, sitting down for a social meal at 4-4:30 pm, and ready for Mass at 5:30 pm. starting at 2pm in the St. Elizabeth Social Hall.  Click here for additional details and to sign up!

COAL Tickets – On Sale Through March 31!

It's time for the 2024 Chance of a Lifetime (COAL) Sweepstakes!  The COAL program helps fund the State Council's Scholarship Program, which will award college scholarships to sons and daughters of Pennsylvania Knights of Columbus members!  This year $65,000 in cash prizes are being offered to 16 different winners!

For details and to order, click here! 

Council Christmas Brunch

Dec 8 - We had over 60 Knights, family members, Priests, Deacons and Seminarians join us for our annual Christmas Social at The Brickside Grille in Eagleview!  We had a private room and an amazing buffet menu to choose from.

Thanks to everyone who joined, and to Mark Lukenda for coordinating!

Thanksgiving Meal Collection Project

Nov 24 - Our long-standing tradition of donating holiday meals to those in need continued this year!  We delivered 30 Thanksgiving meals to the Sisters of Saints Josephs in Philadelphia.  Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped with the collection and delivery effort!

Red Cross Blood Drive

Nov 23 - Our Council held our winter blood drive for the American Red Cross on Saturday on November 23, from 7:00 AM- 12:00 PM.  We had a great turn-out from the parish community!  We collected over 66 pints!

Thank you to all who participated.



St. John’s Hospice Casserole Project

Nov 8 - Many thanks to the Brothers and family members from our Council who helped to prepare over 120 casseroles for St. John Hospice, a homeless shelter in Philadelphia.  Three casserole types were made: Italian pasta, tuna noodle, and beans and franks.  The stewardship project started with coffee and donuts after Mass, followed by a fellowship luncheon in the social hall.

We have two additional dates scheduled to make casseroles after the new year.

Thanks to Joe and Peggy Brennan for coordinating.  Click here for pictures!


Special Olympics at Villanova

Nov 2 - The Special Olympics Fall Festival took place at Villanova University on November 1-3.  Each year our Council tries to support this important event, and this year is no exception!  We had 12 Brothers and wives assist with serving lunch to athletes, coaches and supporters at Donahue Hall at Villanova University. It was great to meet and talk to the athletes as they gathered for a break from their competitions.  Our brother Chris McAvoy won three gold medals in powerlifting while reaching his personal best of 215 lbs. in the deadlift.

Congratulations to Chris and all the athletes who competed at the Fall Festival. “Thank you” to the volunteers who make the Fall Festival a great experience annually, and to Steve Puccino for coordinating!

For pictures, click here!


Daniel at Sight and Sound, Lancaster

October 12 - Our Council sponsored a to see Daniel at Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster.  The event was open to all members of the parish, and we had over 40 people attend!

Thank you to Paul Converse for coordinating again this year!


2024 Football Sweeps

Oct 10 - Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets for our 2024 Football Sweeps this year.  The deadline for purchases has passed.  Thanks to Matt Corbo for coordinating again this year!

Birthright Baby Needs Collection

October 6th - Thank you to everyone who supported our Council and the Respect Life Committee's Baby Needs Collection after all Masses this past weekend.  The response was amazing!  We collected over 100 boxes of diapers, wipes, formula and other essential items that have been delivered to the Birthright Centers in Coatesville and West Chester.

Click here for pictures!

Taking Care Of Those In Need

Our Council is committed to providing assistance to those in need.  Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith.  If you or someone you know in our Council or community are in need of assistance, contact us and let us know.  Learn more by clicking here.

FOCUS Ministry – Sarah Grubb Support

FOCUS ( is a Catholic apostate that aims to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college students across the United States.  Sarah Grubb was a parishioner before going to college at Ole Miss.  She has graduated, and is now working on the FOCUS Missions team at their Denver Support Center.  She is asking for financial assistance, and our Council has agreed to support her in this effort.  If you are interested in helping out, click here to make a tax deductible donation by credit or debit card.

Message From The Grand Knight

Greetings. I’m Jason Ameen , Grand Knight of Council #13141 of the Knights of Columbus and I want to welcome you to our website! I am honored to be serving as the council’s presiding officer for the current year. If you are already a member of the Knights and of our Council you will find our website useful in keeping up with events and council news. If you are not currently a member of the Knights, I would like to take invite you to learn more about our organization and what we do.

The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by the Venerable Servant of God, Father Michael J. McGivney in St Mary's Church in New Haven, CT. If canonized, Father McGivney would be the first American born priest to become a Saint.

To learn more information about Fr. McGivney, visit the website dedicated to his Life and Legacy at

Explore our site!  If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member, please click here and we will be in touch with you shortly!